Saturday, November 30, 2013

30 Day Challenge: Day 4

So I guess I should address the fact that I  skipped a day. I thought about completing both days today, but I figured to just keep moving along. And hope I don't skip anymore! :] 

~Write about your closets friend(s). 

Rae; my bestie, sister, and closest friend. We have had our ups and downs, been through some rough times together, even had moments where we didn't speak at all, but we still remain friends. The main reason we had moments where we didn't  talk was because we went to different high schools. She tried staying at my school but wasn't impressed, so for that short time we had our separate "best friends" but never really forgot about each other. Rae and I kind of fall into the opposites attract column. Growing up we varied in height, obviously, and were the same for moments lol but I came out to be taller. Her with brown hair and her hazel eyes; Me with blonde hair (I am naturally blonde) and my blue/gray eyes, two pieces that fit together. She is very rational, extremely organized, and "straight edge". While I, on the other hand, am emotionally irrational, disorganized, only slightly have it together, and am more of a partier/socialite. The tattoo on my wrist, which I explained in a previous post, resembles our bond. And I must say it can be pretty strong! 
Now, I do have other close friends but none that have stuck around this long. I do have a good friend now who has known me since high school, and can honestly say she's an amazing person. In high school I had two best friends (the three of us were nearly inseparable) but unfortunately sometimes ppl change into something you just don't click with anymore. Or they betray you (in one case was true for me); I can forgive but I won't necessarily let you back into my life. Such is life, people come in to change your life, for better or worse, or you change theirs'  and that's just how it goes. Those who stick around turn into family. 💗

Thursday, November 28, 2013

30 Day Challenge: Day 2

~Talk about your tattoos and piercings, if you have any. 

Oh yes, 4 tattoos and 2 piercings; I would have 3 piercings but my belly ring was rejected. Sad to say, I knew it was going to happen just hoped it wouldn't. 
My tattoos stand for many things. They represent that I use my body as a blank canvas, and these beautiful works of art that I have created only add to it. Each tattoo also represents a piece of me and resemble things I stand for.
My very first tattoo is more like a coloring book page in the shape of a heart; it holds several images within it's borders (kinda like how I have different traits that are deep beneath my skin). 
My second, a friendship heart with only half colored, is on my wrist. The placement, the color, the shape, and the reason for it are all meaningful and resemble my love for my best friend. The placement: because it is one of the two places you check your pulse (sisters by choice-always in each other's hearts). The color: mine is solid and her's is an outline and when placed together they fit like ying'n'yang. The shape: classic friendship bracelet heart, like when we were kids. 
The third ink session was my shoulder piece; Sleeping Beauty's castle amidst a storm and flowers on the outside. Wrapped with a ribbon from my chastity heart to my key. My high school sweetheart and I had somewhat of a dramatic ending to our relationship which birthed that tattoo idea. To remind me that I deserve to be treated like my favorite princess but to still know where I came from (hence the Joshua tree and flowers). The flowers represent inner strength, family, and loyalty. I put the art together myself and the artist is amAzing! {{Mike from Bone Deep tattoo in Apple Valley if you want beautiful work! 💙}}
My fourth tattoo is a verse. 1 Corinthians 13; Love Never Fails. After what I have been through in my life with overcoming depression and an anemic issue, that verse really meant a lot and was close to my heart. I'm not extremely religious but was I was Christian. When I "lost" the "love of my life" (I say it in quotes because that is how I felt when it happen, sincerely feel differently now though) I sank slowly into a self destructive depression (not suicidal), and found out I was severely anemic, I couldn't have done it without the people who loved me and never let their love alter no matter how changed I was or how typos my decisions. I thank god for that; therefore, I placed that verse closest to my heart on my rib cage accompanied by a daisy, a simple innocent daisy. 
Thus concluding my explanations of my artwork, there will be more so to be continued...

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

30 Day Challenge: Day 1

~Your middle name and how you feel about it.    

 Berlen: I absolutely love my middle name. My mom combined both my great grandma's names to form my middle name. It couldn't be more unique nor more special. I cherish family dearly and am grateful my mom wanted me to carry a piece of her grandma's.Bernice: I call her Huma, don't really know how that came to be, but when I was really little it is what I called her and have ever since. Huma is the mother of my mom's dad and was 100% Norwegian. She makes up the first half, obviously.Helen: The mother of my mom's mom. She was 100% English. I didn't see her as much since she lived a few hours North.I have an extremely close-knit family and had (and have) wonderful grandparents. I feel each has taught me different things about life and a piece of me represents each one of those memories.

30 Day Challenge

   When you here 30 day challenges what do you think of? 

      What subject field would it fall under?

I guess, I always thought of it as an ever so popular photo challenge (you know, where there's 30 things you have to capture in a picture and post it). There is so much more to 30 day challenges than photos though. Now don't get me wrong, photos add depth to any post whether it is the focal point or a visual aid but what about a different challenge? What about a writing challenge; thirty days of writing with each day it's own topic. I prefer that challenge that will test my brain and heart and writing skills all at the same time. And for a girl who just uses writing as an outlet, it is very therapeutic. So, with that being said; I shall start a 30 day blog challenge. All the while still learning about this whole blog world I've gotten myself into. 

New Beginnings

   It all seems so intimidating to me. The whole internet blog word is unfamiliar; although, I feel like I've been blogging forever. It all started on Facebook as an outlet in my notes, which I kept private. Then grew into personal writing (in a journal, notebook, whatever was handy) and here we are now; a blogger, blogging on a blog site. And so it shall begin.